Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief K S Sudarshan is said to be keen on Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi replacing Lal Kishenchand Advani as the Bharatiya Janata Party president.
It is said that Sudarshan wanted to discuss this with Modi but without triggering speculation. He, therefore, staged the spectacle of calling the chief ministers of all BJP-ruled states to Nagpur, purportedly to discuss organisational matters. The media fell for the red herring, and Sudarshan fulfilled the task that he had in mind in the first place.
Modi is Sudarshan’s choice to head the saffron party because of his hard-core Hindutva ideology.
Sources have also claimed that Sudarshan cannot possibly hold on to his post himself, now that he has stressed the need for elders to make way for the young.
Source Rediff
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