Crime: an Emotional debacle
Crime– the word in itself is the microcosm of negatively linked events which can be reflected only in bad light. The world of crime, as deep rooted as it is, has now started augmenting its domain by expanding its venomous fangs towards the rash youth. One may insinuate multiple instances where the brashness of youth, coupled with the wretched criminal tendencies have wreaked havoc on the social and economic front. To further exacerbate the matter, the approach and mindset of people has indeed been an encouragement to this disease. Yes! That’s what IAA regard it to be- A
DISEASE! But it is undoubtedly in our hands to seek a cure for this menace.
Skimming through the various prerogatives, the one that consistently tops the list is that of parental security. It is primarily the emotional debacle which propels the rebellion ideology. But this is a reason which stems from emotions. Stepping on more realistic grounds, the first and foremost reason for a person’s tryst with crime is POVERTY. All need basic amenities of life viz., food, clothing and shelter be it rich or poor. So when finances fail to make ends meet, who wouldn’t resort to illicit modes of procuring “quick” money. One’s mind is protean with an empty stomach.
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