Ayurveda was preached by sears like Atreya, Charaka, Sushruta, Madhva and Kashyapa. These people established fundamental aspects of the science and they are still valid today. Later on scholars like Vaga-bhatta, Chakra-pani, Arun-dutta, and Dalhan did wonderful job in preserving the ancient wisdom. Ayurveda as a science has witnessed many changes and today it is a globally accepted system of medicine. Ayurvedic sciences are expected to play significant role in future healthcare system.
Standardization is a burning topic in Ayurvedic drug industry today. Tremendous work is going on herbal drug standardization, but it is not an easy task as preparations described under diverse systems of medicines like Ayurveda have there own concept. Before screening a drug, following parameters are followed:
Dravya is described as substance used for formulation purpose. According to Ayurvedic theory, each and every component of the universe is dravya and has medicinal utility. Drugs derived from herbs, minerals and animal source, all are dravya. Charaka Samhita, the Ayurvedic classic has described dravya to be the nucleus of Ayurvedic pharmacy. To sum up.
Taste has got significant place n Ayurveda. A diagnosis of a disease is based on three biological humours vatta, pitta and kapha and treatment is based on six tastes. Our tongue experiences these tastes when drug is administered orally. The taste parameter reveals dynamic of Ayurvedic preparations. Six tastes are known sweet, sour, salt, pungent, bitter and astringent.
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