If you have knowledge of off page SEO work which include submission and processing you can earn money from your home. The part time job is offered by MegriSoft a 10 year old company on web. The work is suitable for existing employee of SEO companies in India, IT students, educated house wives, teachers and web submitters. The jobs require the following from you
- • You should have a computer
- • You should have Internet Connection
- • You should be able to work from home
The following work will be assigned part time basis
- Directory Submissions
- Articles Submission
- Link Building
- Forum Posting
- Content Writing
- Social Bookmarking
- Blog Making
Payment will be made at the end of month and there is no security amount. There is nothing hidden in it
If you want for part time job or work at home please apply here
Ms Ritu
SCF 80 Sectors 47
Call 91 172 2631561, 91 172, 2631550
Email: megrisoft@gmail.com