Now-a-days Environment has become a raising issue. With more and more climatic changes, global warming, ecological change, renewable resources getting exhausted, depletion of ozone layer, pollution (air, water, and land), no conservation and recycling are burning issues from past few decades.
Basically climatic change is the long-term change in the environment like temperature, humidity, penetration of UV rays due to depletion of the ozone layer, melting of the Glaciers, etc are due to the changes occurred due to human invasion in the nature’s activity. Pollution created by human is not hidden from us, every day we are the only one who makes the environment more polluted by our daily activities. Cutting of trees is making the condition go more disastrous. Usage of renewable energy resources like Sunlight, Wind, and Water etc should be taken into more consideration. Generate other renewable resources so that usage of non-renewable resources could be moderated. Human activities are changing the composition of Earth’s atmosphere. Increasing levels of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere since pre-industrial times are well-documented and understood. Steps should be taken to control the green house effect. Even individuals should take part in the activities to understand the environment and also try to make efforts to make a clean and hygienic environment and make this world a better place to live.
Usage of polythene is getting banned now-a-days, in the same manner our Government should take steps for making our environment more clean and give our future generation a healthy life.