Term life insurance is the simplest form of life insurance. Term life insurance is a type of temporary life insurance, as it covers only a specific period of time. Term life insurance provides a pre-set amount of coverage if the policyholder dies during the period of time specified in the policy.
Benefits of Term Life Insurance
1) Whole life insurance is expensive, due to its investment aspect, while term life insurance is very affordable. Whole life insurance policies often cost thousands of dollars a year, which is much more for the customers who have term life insurance
2) Term life insurance is simple to understand, and allows for personal choice. Customer can pay a low monthly premium based on the term length and amount of coverage you choose. He can choose term lengths such as 10, 20 or 30 years.
3) Customer can invest hard-earned money himself, rather than having an insurance company. Insurance companies are often very conservative with how they invest money. Customer can buy a cheaper term life policy that best suits him.
4) Term life insurance is good for short term needs. Like, Customer’s child college education, Parents could buy a policy that expires after their children graduate from college to ensure that the full education is paid (in case anything happened to the parents).